URECO STS is a heavy duty self-leveling three component cementitious polyurethane system with a broadcast aggregate. It is a
pigmented, trowel or gauge rake applied floor system. URECO STS is designed to withstand aggressive chemical and thermal attack
while providing abrasion resistance. An optional, integral cove base is available. This system is typically at 3 to 6mm. (1/8 to 1/4
po.) thickness.
- Odorless, Non-toxic, Non-tainting
- No priming required
- Meets Canadian Food Inspection Agency standards
- Superior Adhesion
- Superior Chemical Resistance
- Coefficient of thermal expansion
- Easy maintenance
- High abrasion resistance
- Excellent performance under thermally induced stresses such as steam cleaning
- No ventilation required
- Thermal Shock Resistant
- Self-extinguishing
- Can be applied on to 7-10 days old concrete
URECO STS is designed to protect concrete, polymer reinforced screeds, mild steel and water resistant plywood from chemical attack,
corrosion, impact and thermal shock. It is also unaffected by freeze/thaw cycles. Typical areas of applications:
- Aesthetic Considerations
- Wet areas
- Commercial kitchens and restaurants
- Meat/Poultry and Dairy Processing
- Pharmaceutical Plants
- Processing Areas